About me

I’m a PhD candidate and research associate at LMU Munich, where I work in Michael Hedderich’s research group, that is affiliated with Barabara Plank’s MaiNLP lab and the Center for Information and Language Processing (CIS).

Talk to me about your interests and I’ll probably get excited, too. Try natural language processing, social computing or chinese tea culture to keep me talking for hours.

If you’re interested in collaborating or just connecting, send me a request on LinkedIn. For more informal things, you can find me on Twitter.

My research interests are concerned with natural language processing and understanding:

  • Language embeddings/distributed and distributional representations
  • Analysing and improving social networks
  • Explainable AI/Interpretability
  • Data engineering, science and visualization

What’s on the horizon for me?

I’ve just started my PhD and am in the process of identifying interesting research questions. If you have any ideas for projects and collaborations, feel free to reach out to me. Here are some of the things we could build on:

  • my work with Professor Kristin Shi-Kupfer on researching narratives of Chinese current affair’s commentators
  • my Master’s thesis on improving Topic/Narrative Modeling enhancing existing approaches using language embeddings
  • the global explainability method I co-developed with David Hübner

Stay tuned as I continue this exciting journey, and feel free to reach out. Let’s learn, analyze and discuss together!